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Pavel Durov: A Fighter for Freedom or a Victim of Repression?

  • Aug 25, 2024
  • 3 minutes read

The world has witnessed a glaring injustice. Pavel Durov, the founder of one of the most popular and secure messaging platforms globally, has been arrested in France. He’s accused of drug trafficking, distributing child pornography, and other crimes that clearly have nothing to do with his personal actions but rather with activities conducted by users on Telegram. This is akin to prosecuting a gun manufacturer for crimes committed with their weapons or holding car makers accountable for illegal acts committed using their vehicles. Such absurd accusations undermine the very foundations of justice and erode trust in Western democracy.

Global Surveillance Disguised as Justice

This incident reveals the true face of the so-called “free world.” The pressure on Durov by authorities is nothing more than an attempt to stifle free speech and establish total control over citizens’ private communications. Pavel Durov has always stood for user data protection, refusing to grant security agencies access to private messages, which has made him a prime target for those seeking global surveillance.

Edward Snowden, the legendary whistleblower who exposed the U.S. government's mass surveillance programs, expressed his opinion clearly: “I am surprised and deeply saddened that Macron has resorted to hostage-taking as a means of gaining access to private communications.” This situation casts a shadow over France and shows the world that Western governments are willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve their goals, even if it means violating fundamental rights and freedoms.

Freedom Under Threat

What has happened to Pavel Durov is a direct assault on free speech and the right to privacy, which should be protected in every democratic society. Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum, emphasized that these charges against Durov “look very bad and alarming for the future of software freedom and communication in Europe.” Western governments, once proud of their democratic ideals, are increasingly becoming repressive, targeting those who defend citizens' rights to privacy and freedom of expression.

Team EXMON: Resistance and Defense of Freedoms

Team EXMON condemns the actions of the French authorities. These events clearly demonstrate that the struggle for freedom and citizens' rights continues, and Pavel Durov has become a victim of a system that fears those who seek to protect anonymity and privacy. Now more than ever, we must continue to support and develop technologies that help preserve our rights and freedoms in the digital age. We cannot allow governments to use their citizens as pawns in their game for power and control.

The Western World: The End of Democracy?

Elon Musk, known for his radical views on free speech, expressed his opinion with his usual irony: “POV: It’s 2030, and in Europe, you’re executed for liking a meme.” This comment highlights what is happening in the Western world: citizens' rights and freedoms are increasingly being infringed upon, and democratic ideals are giving way to totalitarianism.

This situation with Durov is not just about his personal fate; it’s a reflection of global trends that threaten not only free speech but also other fundamental human rights. Today, more than ever, it’s important to support those who stand guard over our freedoms and to fight against repressive actions aimed at establishing total control.

We must say "no" to global surveillance and "yes" to free speech, anonymity, and the right to privacy.

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